القائمة الرئيسية



 Email Your List

If you want to know how to increase followers on Facebook, try using your existing email list

You can either choose to include social media icons (including Facebook) in all of your emails, or you can directly email your list and tell them to follow your Facebook page 

If you haven’t been building an email list but have customers who’ve agreed to receive email marketing, you can email those people to increase Facebook likes. 

You’ll find that email list in your Shopify dashboard under Customers > Email Subscribers

 Create More Video Content

Want to know how to get Facebook likes? Try video marketing

Video content on Facebook usually gets higher levels of engagement than pictures or text-based posts. As a result, more people will view your content

The more viewers and Facebook likes you get, the higher the chance that your content will get found by potential new Facebook followers

The secret to getting new followers isn’t always about building an audience but also about building your brand. And creating great content regularly in a popular format can help you build a stronger following

So if you want to increase Facebook likes, you’re going to need to step up your video content strategy

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